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Learning Disability in Children - Know the Causes and Treatment


Knowing your child has a learning disability is hard to accept. Isn't it? Well, learning disorders are extremely isolating, but they're common as well. This problem brings difficulties to the children while speaking, writing, paying attention, coordinating movements, and even during mathematical calculations. Also, a learning disability in children is usually not recognized until a child starts going to school.

In this post, we will discuss the five most common learning disorders in children and learn about the causes and their required treatment solutions. So, let's first briefly learn about these disabilities.

Learning Disability in Children - What's That?

Such disabilities can be categorized as neurological problems that mainly impact one's ability to process and understand any information. As discussed above, learning disabilities are common among young children and adversely affect their reading, writing, speaking, calculating, and coordinating abilities. These disorders not only make a child weak but lower their motivation and confidence, too.

A learning disability in children varies, and every child may suffer from these disorders differently. Sometimes, it may affect a child's specific skill or sense; however, for many, a combination of skills gets impacted. Many children have had such issues since their birth, and many start suffering from early childhood. Also, the treatment of such disabilities varies; some need special accommodation with academic and professional help, whereas others may require extra support and efforts to overcome their learning disabilities.

Possible Causes of Learning Difficulties in Children

There's no such particular cause for learning difficulties or disorders. But, according to experts, the following factors may lead to learning disability:

  • Illness during and after Child's Birth: Yes, any illness or injury during or after childbirth may lead to a learning disability. If a mother is suffering from any disease or illness or has an injury, there are chances that the child may get affected. Additionally, consumption of harmful products like alcohol or drugs, a poorly balanced diet, and mental trauma during pregnancy could be the possible factors of learning difficulties in the child.

  • Issues during Infancy: Infancy is a sensitive period. If any stressful incident happens during this period, it can majorly affect the child's mental growth. Also, high fever, continuous headache, or poor nutrition after childbirth can lead to learning disorders in children.

  • Genetic or Hereditary: Even genes can be responsible for facing learning challenges. Heredity is one of the common causes of such disorders; if the child's parents have had a learning disorder, it's likely that the child to face the same disorder.

5 Most Common Learning Difficulties in Children

In this section, we will discuss the five most common learning difficulties that can be observed among children. Have a look:

  • Dyscalculia: As the name itself suggests, this learning disorder generally brings issues to children while they learn Math concepts and perform arithmetic or mathematical calculations. Dyscalculia makes it difficult for children to understand math and catch up with the concepts.

  • ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder among children. It's one of the learning challenges that affects children's ability to regulate hyperactivity levels, control impulsiveness, and pay attention. ADHD leads to concentration issues that further impact a child's academics and discipline.

  • Dyslexia: Well, it's one of the learning difficulties that affects people of all age groups. Dyslexia impacts one's reading, writing, and language processing skills. People with this disorder fail to understand directions; they also can't copy plus face delayed speech issues. 

  • Dyspraxia: It's another neurological disorder that is responsible for affecting a child's motor skills. This learning disability in children stops them from planning and coordinating perfectly. They fail to tie their shoelaces, write, balance, coordinate, and process information.

  • Dysgraphia: Dysgraphia disorder in children occurs due to poor neurological conditions that mainly affect their writing skills. Children with this issue generally have poor handwriting; they take longer than usual to write, have poor grammar knowledge, and can't express their thoughts in clear sentences.

Any Possible Treatment for Learning Disability in Children?

In medical science, there is no cure for learning disabilities. However, there are many ways that can be considered as a treatment for learning disability in children as they can lessen their effects on the children. Let's have a look at these treatments below:

  • Occasionally Drug Therapy: There are certain drugs available certified by health experts that minimally affect a child's academic achievement, general learning ability, concentration, and intelligence. Some health experts recommend such drugs for children having learning problems. These drugs contribute to enhancing their attention and concentration.

  • Behavioral and Psychological Therapy: Treatments like Behavioral and Psychological therapies help in changing a person's maladaptive responses to specific situations. Many techniques involve therapies that treat one's mental disorders and enhance processing ability. Additionally, these therapies help children who are suffering from post-traumatic stress.

  • Educational Management: Yes, educational management can help children greatly overcome learning challenges and disorders. Effective teaching programs involve behavioral, psychological, and medical therapy by experts. Also, the extra help from the reading specialist, trained professionals, and math tutors of the education system supports such children in their challenging journey.

Wrapping Up..!

Here, we end this comprehensive post and hope you have got all the required information related to the learning disability in children. The best way to help such children with learning disabilities is to understand and encourage them. The above-given treatments can help them boost their confidence and strengths. However, if you need further help or professional guidance, reach out to us.



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